Accueil > Le projet > About the project - english version

About the project - english version

On the streets, public transport, in front of shops and schools… CCTV
cameras are multiplying ! They register our daily routine whilst control
devices keep intensifying and improving.

In this context, “” offers a tool for resistance.
This project facilitates each city to easily create a local website
mapping the location of the cameras, public and private, that are filming
the public space.

This mapping is participatory, collaborative and widely accessible. It
makes the proliferation of cameras visible whilst collecting as much
information as possible about them. As of now, everyone can make the
website their own, resist, act, participate, share their ideas, report
back, consult the press review and reclaim the urban space !

Lyon, Bourges, Marseille, Paris, Toulouse, Angers, Clermont-Ferrand,
Rennes, Dijon, Luxembourg… have already launched their websites or are
preparing the launch. If your city already has a website, get involved in
the mapping or, even better, join its organizers ! Otherwise, to create a
website in your city, get in touch ! It’s your turn to turn away from
surveillance !

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Le Projet est une cartographie participative, collaborative et accessible au plus grand nombre.

Elle permet de rendre visible la prolifération des caméras tout en collectant un maximum d’informations les concernant.

Dès maintenant, chacun et chacune peut s’approprier le site, lutter, agir, participer, partager ses idées, informer, consulter la revue de presse et se réapproprier l’espace urbain !


Pour nous contacter, créer un sous-surveillance dans votre ville ou participer au projet, écrivez-nous :
contact [arobase]
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